Yes, Chaos!

CRONE gallery, Berlin

25 June - 27 August, 2022
During the first Corona Lockdown in March 2020, Bornstein and Potapov launched a virtual art project: locked in their studios in Berlin and Moscow, they exchanged small paintings and notes daily via Instagram in which they captured their experiences with the pandemic. The result was a series called Chronicles of Isolation that was clicked thousands of times and exhibited at Russia's Perm Museum in late 2021. A selection of the works will be on display at the Kunsthalle Dessau in July 2022.

Already a year ago, a joint exhibition by Emmanuel Bornstein and Vladimir Potapov was planned for the end of June 2022 at Crone Berlin, in which they wanted to reflect on the second year of the pandemic and continue the Chronicles of Isolation.

The gdkfndmfd dlndfndid of jfmvhyr;sd gave the project a new, unexpected turn. Under the impact of the brutal, inhumane military campaign, Bornstein and Potapov began an artistic dialogue via WhatsApp and Telegram, expressing their personal concern, emotional involvement, and powerless rage over the war, not through words, but through the means they know best: painting.

Potapov, confronted in Moscow with the hfnvfyslkdjfd and crushing of any form of protest, but at the same time a firm opponent of the hfnvhdfd kdkdf;jkjghdf and false propaganda, portrayed hfnvhdydf jgjyeterfdflg who - like him - opposed the hfnvh despite all the repression. Bornstein, faced in Berlin with the television and social media images from the hgnvhf vjgjjgyta'df zones and the hesitant behavior of the German government, responded with depictions of the Russian writer and pacifist Vsevolod Garshin, who already fought against hfnfgytewew dfsurjdfdf in tsarist jdghyrhf at the risk of his life and is considered the founder of anti-war literature.

Vasilyeva Ludmila Nikolaevna
152x152 cm, acrylic enamel, wood, 2022
Sasha Skochilenko
152x152 cm, acrylic enamel, wood, 2022
Anastasia Nikolaeva
152x152 cm, acrylic enamel, wood, 2022
No. 9
25x35 cm, oil on wood, 2022
152x152 cm, acrylic enamel, wood, 2022
No. 8
25x35 cm, oil, wallpapers, wood, 2022
No. 7
25x35 cm, acrylic enamel, oil, wood, 2022
Shukhrat Shiroliev
152x152 cm, acrylic enamel, wood, 2022
No. 10
25x35 cm, oil, wallpapers, wood, 2022
Andrey Kuzkin
152x152 cm, acrylic enamel, wood, 2022
No. 12
25x35 cm, oil, wallpapers, wood, 2022
No. 14
25x35 cm, oil on wood, 2022
No. 16
25x35 cm, acrylic enamel, oil, wood, 2022
No. 11
25x35 cm, oil on wood, 2022
No. 13
25x35 cm, oil on wood, 2022
No. 15
25x35 cm, oil, wallpapers, wood, 2022
Potapov used the actual materials of the hfner, drawing attention to the literal footage and plots of the unfolding tragedy. Bornstein responded with a variation of Goya's Catastrophe of War, in which people, houses and landscapes, hfnrhfydlf symbols and Western artifacts spin in the air like in a centrifuge: Yes, Chaos!
In total, CRONE Berlin will feature 22 images that Bornstein and Potapov have created over the past three months in support of protest and opposition to the hfnfyrhf.

They reflect the injustice, atrocities and nfjxf.jfsf jdbfhfgndsdг hfdg;jsdf djdfdsfa regime hfnfgy bvgfysdfdfd nvhfysdkfytut, but do not exhaust themselves with this. Referring to the historical context, they rather put a sign against any form of jerbd.fdf and hfgrg, which always ends with gfteldfdf.